domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Let's go to the Church S.

Last night, January 29th, S and I had one of the funniest and best conversations ever. There was a long time we didn't talk, but yesterday we caught up in all topics. We talked about a lot of cool stuff, I gave her some advices about how to deal with boys and now I will have to teach her how to flirt. We also talked about bad about someone who used to be a nice person, but now “it” changed, so we got to the conclusion of what type of person it is, and trust me no one can be faker than it. After we talked bad about this someone, she told me that I have a high self-esteem and that I don’t care about what people think. Using what she told me about me, we both created a quote: “You know what I think? No one can do better than me on doing NB(my initials). So they can’t judge me… And if they do it’s because they don’t have a life to worry about so they prefer to worry about mine. And that just makes me laugh” – NB &MS. For sure that’s one of the best quotes ever, not only because we created but that’s so true. Since then S consider me her idol and I consider her my number one fan. I have to go now guys, S and I have to go to the church now, God has to forgive us after all the bad things we said last night. Love you S.

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Good Bye 2010 Hello 2011

Dear 2010,

That was probably one of the best years of my life.  I learned so many things this year and I will be learning a lot of things in 2011. In 2010 I learned that we can’t live from the past that you don’t have to care anymore about someone who was part of your past, because there are reasons why this someone is not in your future. I also learned that everything happens for a reason, if what you wanted to happen didn’t happen it’s because there is something better waiting for you in your future. This year I also learned that you can never regret what you did, because at the end they just teach you how to deal with some situations and they also define who you really are. This year i also learned that waiting for things to happen and wondering how they are going to be is such a waste of time. I also learned that you can never trust everyone; you can only trust your closest friends. This year I also learned how to control my anger, I figured out that this feeling won’t get me into any place I just have to smile and let it go.  I obviously have to thanks to those who hated me in 2010, you made me a stronger person, also thanks to those who loved me, and you made my heart bigger. I have to thanks all my friends who cared about me and were always there when I needed or didn’t need; they just made me feel important and loved. For those who envied me, thank you a lot, because you only made myself esteem goes really high.   I also learned that everything that goes come back and I also had a lot of friends leaving this year and with them I learned that nothing is forever, so you have to enjoy a lot every day of your life. I also learned that’s all up to you to make your day better. Over all I just want to thank all of you who entered my life this year you made me who I am today. 

I think I like you...

Around 4 weeks ago, I met this guy from another school in VANAS. Since then we have been talking to each other all the time. Even though we fight more than we talk, I can’t see myself not talking to him. He is 4 years older than me and he made it clear he doesn’t have feelings for me. He is the type of boy who doesn’t want anything in life and doesn’t care about anything, except for his dog. He is really moody, and he treats me like crap but it seems like I need him more and more. That’s what really sucks about the whole “situation”, because from my entire life I never felt like I needed someone before, and now this dude comes and turns my life upside down. All my friends are against him, they always tell me a lot of bad things about him to me, I don’t know if they are just trying to protect me or if they don’t want me to create expectations of things that won’t happen. I don’t think I like him, not at all. I have never wanted something so badly that I know I can’t reach. I have tried to not talk to him, I did it just fine and all my friends were telling me how I look happier while I am not talking to him. However, I know that inside I am ten thousand times happier while talking to him than when I am not. Last night we Skyped, it was really cool, but it seemed like I was enjoying more than him. I have never felt this way before; I just hope this feeling goes away as soon as possible because I am tired of suffering for someone who I truly know is not worth my feelings. If he is reading it right now, I just hope he can be understanding and see what I feel for him.