viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

My Angel Sent from Above

Last Blog Post before Christmas break and I don’t know what to write about. Let me think. Ok I know what I am going to write about. This year was a great year, I got good grades, I went to a lot of parties, a lot of nice new people came to school and one of those nice new people turned to be one of my best friends. And it’s about her who I will be talking about today. I don’t remember how she turned out to be one of my best friends; I just remember that at the beginning of this year I hated her. I talked bad about her with my friends just because we liked the same guy, but at the end I just remember I went to apologize to her for everything I had talked about her and I figured out she is an amazing person. She is the type of friend who everyone dreams about having, she is loyal, she will always be there for you, doesn’t matter when, I can tell her everything and I know she won’t judge me. I know we have not been friends for a long time, but I know our friendship won’t end soon. She is a friend who I want next to me my whole life. I also want to tell her that I will always be there for her when she needs it! Oh and I can’t forget that I have a GORGEOUS best friend and the BEST SWIMMER ever. Yeah, she also swims and really well. Even though she is a little bit weird, and crazy she is also confident of herself, outgoing, sociable and really supportive that’s why I love, love her! As I always say “she is my angel sent from above.” Love you,


lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

David Guetta !

On 17th of November, 2010 I had one of the best days of my life. I didn’t only go to the David Guetta’s concert but I also met the boy I liked there! I know, I know, two great things in a night it just could turn to be an amazing night, but not my whole night was that perfect. My night didn’t start that great. It all started when I was trying to decide what I was going to wear, but I had such a horrible time finding it, after deciding what to wear I had to get ready in less than an hour… and that’s kind of really hard for me to do. After getting ready it was like 7:30pm, and I was waiting for my friends to go to my house and then we would go to the concert, but some of my friends who were already in the concert started texting me that the place was full, that wouldn’t be able to get in, that it was insane, that there was a lot of traffic to get to place where the concert was, therefore I started to freak out, because we were just leaving my house at 8:30pm so I imagined that I wouldn’t be able to get there and see the concert. So I got really mad at my mother, because she decided to go at the wrong time and blah blah. After the whole fight with my mom my friends came to my house, but I still had to wait for my driver. I was in such a horrible mood, you have no idea. Finally he got to my house and then we were about to leave and my sister started crying because she didn’t want to be alone with my maid. So my friends and I had to wait for my mother to talk to her and then go. Then thanks god, after 10 minutes we left. Since then my night wasn’t being that horrible, we didn’t get ANY traffic to get to the place, and when we got to the place we had VIP tickets to the parking lot, which made us not get any lines to stop the car. We got there at like 10pm and the concert would just start at mid night. While we were waiting for the concert to start amazing things happened, me and my friends met people from our school, we danced in the rain, I talked to the boy I liked and then finally Guetta’s concert and it was just INCREDIBLE! I LOVED IT, THAT WAS FOR SURE ONE OF THE BEST NIGHTS OF MY LIFE! I wish I could go back in time but since I can’t I know that enjoyed it as much as I could!

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

How to keep&conserve Nail Polish

As I told you in the prior post, nail polish is one of the things that I cannot live without. And today I am going to give your tips to how keep your nail polishes.
First of all it’s better think in how to conserve the nail polish: it’s very important to always leave the container well closed and in a room temperature environment.
To conserve the color the ideal it’s to leave the container in standing and sometime take the ones that color seems to be changing and mix a little bit, so they can go back to the nail polish can go back to the real color.
 It’s nice to adopt a pattern to organize the nail polish, think in separate them by: colors brand or use frequency. That way it’s going to be easier to find this or that nail polish, in the middle of the “crowd.” Use creativity! You can improvise, you can make nail polish keeper using shoes’ box, you can make it look cuter and use it! Hope that from now on, your nail polish survive a little more than it survived and that you can find your nail polish faster with your pattern organization!

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010


Hey! In this post I will be presenting the 5 top things I can't live without! I think you girls will probably identify with my list, because what type of girl can live without any beauty products?
1. Nail polish! I am addicted to it!!

For those who know me, they know that my nails are always colorful! I do my nails every week and I always try to vary the colors I use. Lately I have used a lot of dark colors on my nails; they are not just gorgeous and classic, but they go with everything you wear. So dark nail polish, especially black, is the best option for any occasion. I also love pink and blue nail polish!! They are more vivid than any other nail polish! I like red a lot too… ah I think I love all the colors of NAIL POLISH, they are just awesome!!
2.     Perfume! I don't leave home without using perfume!
 I am also addicted to perfume! My favorite is Viva La Juicy from Juicy Couture. I never leave home without using perfume; my mom always would say, "A woman without perfume is the same as a naked woman." Therefore, since I was young, I have loved to use perfume. The best part about perfumes is that they always invent new ones with different smells, and I like to vary a lot!

3.     Chocolate! My friend for all times!

Chocolate, my friend for good and bad moments, it is always there when I need it… There is no negative point about chocolate… well, maybe one:  it has a lot of calories… but I don't mind until I finish eating. 

4.     Make-up!!

I have a lot of make-up. I have always liked make-up; ever since I was little I have taken my mom's make-up and used it… and I would look like a clown, but it was fun. I think make-up makes girls look prettier, but when some girls wear a lot, it doesn't look really nice. I don't wear a lot of make- up to school, just the essentials such as mascara and base, although when I have parties, I abuse make-up… haha. I love, love make up :)

                    5.Accessories! I can't do without them!!

Accessories are indispensable! They complete all looks. I am crazy about head bands: I think that in a girl's wardrobe, headbands are essential. I have a collection even though I don't wear them that much. I also love earrings and necklaces, but girls must take care not to exaggerate!
I have a tip for girls – if you wear big earrings it’s better if you don't wear a necklace, and if you do wear a lot of necklaces, you must wear small earrings ;) The best part of accessories is to play around with them!

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010


I am so tired of those people who don’t have anything good to do in their life, so the only thing that they are interested about on doing in their life, is to end with some good friendship.  What kind of person does that? I mean get a life dude. That happened to me this week. I can get jealous pretty easily and this person who wanted to get me jealous and end my friendship with one of my best friends, kind of reached her goal. She really did make me jealous and at first I had a fight with my best friend because of this, but after all I thought OMG, dude I am making one of the biggest mistakes of my life, because there is no reason why I would get mad at my best friend and  it's not even his fault. So I talked to him about and we are good friends as always. But at the moment I got so mad… I was like what the heck is your problem?! Stop wasting time trying to destroy someone else’s friendship and waste time trying to find true friends and not try to steal mine ok? Another thing if you are one of those who just find happiness when you are making other people sad or mad, please go see a doctor you really need help. Now after everything that happened I just laugh at the person who tried to end with my friendship. HAHAHA FAIL HONEY, GAME IS OVER. 

Choosing what to wear

Yes, thanks God it's finally Friday I have a party but I don't know what to wear… OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR and I start to freak out. That's what happened every time that I have a party! I don't know why, but it seems that I always don't have nice clothes to wear, everyone is going to wear something nicer than me, and that I don't have the type of the clothes to the kinds of parties. So I always start to talk to my friends to know what they are going to war and ask for a advice, make groups on my BlackBerry with the topic “Party Clothes” so all the members in the group share what we are going to wear. Talking to friends, doesn’t really help so I obviously go and ask my mom for help but sometimes her help is such a fail...! I mean it’s really hard to choose clothes to go to parties; we can’t go looking like someone else, can’t be over or under dressed… I mean that’s frustrating. That just makes me wonder if the difficulty to choose clothes is just a thing of the teenagers’ girls or if it is going to follow the women for the rest of their lives. I also wonder why this does only happen to girls and not with the boys! That’s so unfair. Yes, boys in that aspect we are more complicated than you, but only in that aspect  J The only think I wanted was to have the exactly rules to know what to wear to party, since I don’t know I will have to deal with this ! Good Luck, girls.  

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Blair and Serena

For those who see "Gossip Girl", they know that the characters Blair and Serena are even more than best friends, they are more like sisters. Their friendship is based on fights, hugs, discussions, truth, kisses, love, jealousy, rumors, secrets, parties and mainly gossips. Surely those are the real characteristics of a true friendship. However many people believe that if you have a best friend, you two will never fight, your friendship is going to be a bed of roses always! Obviously that is not true! HELLO, come on, all true friendship have fights, discussion and that's because you and your best friend don't agree in everything, you think different from each other! Sometime best friends fight because they think they are doing the best for each other and disagree. However after hours or a day everything is back to normal and you guys are not mad at each other anymore. Even though you can get mad at your friend, or she gets mad at you, that doesn’t really matter because if you need help she will be waiting for you, to help you in everything. I just couldn’t live without my best friend, C! Do you guys have a best friend like Serena or Blair? If you don’t you better go find one… because they are awesome and I LOVE mine (:

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

"The Princess Diaries"

 The book I read is called “The Princess Diaries” by Meg Cabot. It’s a teen fiction.
“The Princess Diaries” is about a girl called Amelia Thermopolis, her nickname is Mia and she is 14 years old. She lived in New York City with her mother in building at modern days. Mia’s life changed completely when she received big news from her father. The news present that she is a princess of Genovia, a small country in Europe. After she got this news, her grandmother that Mia called Grandmére came to New York City to teach everyday princess lessons to Mia. Mia didn’t like her grandmother who made Mia be more mature and changed the type of clothes that she wore. During the events, Amelia started accepting more the idea of being a princess. Lilly is Mia’s best friend.  They disagreed a lot about the princess situation because Lilly was jealous of Mia. At the end of the book they apologize to each other and they were still friends, they talked about that they were friends since kindergarten and that the princess situation is not going to make them to not be friends anymore.
 What really made me be interested into reading this book was the way that the author shows how can a teenager’s life could be horrible, and everything bad could happen day after day to someone. In the book Mia acted like she was the only one having problems, she always asked why her and why not anyone else. She wrote on her diary “Why? Why?? Why??? I can’t even believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening to ME! Why? Why me??...”(p.219). Mia was being a drama queen, thinking that her problems didn’t have any solutions. At the end of the book the author showed the opposite presenting to any Mia’s problems a solution, as example she had a F in the Algebra that made Mia always upset but at the end her grade improved to a high D that made Mia the happiest girl ever.
 I think this book gives advice to teenage girls, who complain a lot about their lives. During the book the author presents the teenager life  doesn’t have to be so hard and sometimes it us girls who makes it even harder and harder but everyone goes through hard moments but those moments always go away, Meg Cabot’s main message is to be positive no matter what.
 I recommend this book to girls between 13-16 years old that are always complaining  or they can read just to have fun because it talks about love, drama, parties  those thing that  is happening all the time with girls of this age. Girls will love it.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010


Every single girl has always suffered for boys! But seriously why do we, girls, have to be the one who suffer and not the boys? Well I am really sick of it. So in this post you will know what girls most hate about boys…
Why can't boys just be more uncomplicated? They always say that it's impossible to understand girls but they just can't understand that it's hard for us, girls, to understand them. We are not complicated guys! It’s just about following some rules. When we love we really love, when we hate we really do hate, we are extremes and that's not hard to understand, right? Girls are not afraid of showing their feelings and guys have to be ready to understand it and be mature enough to handle it. Girls are much more mature then boys, but seriously GROW UP! We are not little Barbies that you can do whatever you want with and when you are tired just throw away. We have feelings, and if you break a girl’s heart, be prepared to get into a big fight between you, her and her friends. And when we get into a fight we have the purpose to win :) So yeah be mature and don't break girls’ heart.
Big mistake that most of the hot boys tend to do is show off to the girl he likes, yeah most of you guys think that is the perfect way to get girls attention… but seriously I mean come on, you are being such a JERK … yeah we enjoy to see muscles and six packs .. But there is much more behind muscles and it's your personality. That counts more than anything else. So yeah, fat or ugly boys, you still have chance with the girls if you are sweet, nice and would be awesome if you try to lose some weight :) so yeah PERSONALITY counts much more than everything else, did you hot boys read that? I hope so.
Another thing that makes a guy a completely jerk is, he tries everything to get a girl but since you are with her, you don't seem to care anymore.
      "Some guys focus more on how to get a girl... but once they have her,they lose focus on how to keep her".  It's important that you guys do everything to stay with girl you love, but the most important is to take care of this love and enjoy this time. Because if you don' give the girl the love that she needs, she will MOVE ON, ok?
Boys, even though you make a lot of mistakes and pisses us off we just can't live without you!

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Who am I?

        My English teacher is making all of us do a blog, and as homework and as our first post she asked us to introduce ourselves. I think that is not too hard, the best person who knows me is me. So I hope you enjoy reading my first post and keep reading my blog.

         To start, I’m a girl who is attending 9th grade of high school in Venezuela. I already told you why I am doing this and I’m not doing this, for fun that’s for sure, but I’m going to try to enjoy telling you about me. I am small, I am one of the smallest students of my grade but I don’t see it as a bad thing I like to be small, I have an average weight and I have brown hair. I like to go to school just to see my friends, to chat and have fun but I don’t really like to study. The class I most enjoy at school is physical education. I don’t really have to think in this class, it’s just run, play and talk. I don’t consider myself shy, when I don’t know people  I like to talk so I can get to know them, and with my friends I talk too much, sometimes way too much, so it’s better if I just shut up. I’m very curious and I want to know everything about my friends and gossip. I don’t really like to play sports but I do it just to be healthy and to have more time with my friends, right now I’m doing volleyball at school and I really hope I will make the team. I like to listen to music, watch TV shows and movies. I enjoy all types of music except for classical music.  The TV shows that I most watch are Glee and Gossip Girl, I enjoy a lot see either of them. I like to watch all types of movies, but my favorite is drama. I feel really happy when I am with friends and the thing that most annoys me, is  when you are in the middle of boys and they use signals to communicate to each other, and  they start to laugh and I don’t know what is going on, so I get really mad. I like to have fun and enjoy my life, but I really do think that study is important so I take it seriously when I am in class, studying or doing my homework.  My friends and family are everything for me.
  I don’t know what my blog is going to be about, but since I’m doing this blog for my English class I will post about what my teacher asks me to, but it will be probably about book or poems, they will be related what we will do in class. If I like and enjoy doing this blog in my free time I will post about things I enjoy, as TV shows, when coming up the next season or what is happened in some of the episodes. As I like to listen to music I would like to post about the video that came out for a new song, pretty much things like that. Keep reading my blog. I’m sure you are going to like it!