domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Let's go to the Church S.

Last night, January 29th, S and I had one of the funniest and best conversations ever. There was a long time we didn't talk, but yesterday we caught up in all topics. We talked about a lot of cool stuff, I gave her some advices about how to deal with boys and now I will have to teach her how to flirt. We also talked about bad about someone who used to be a nice person, but now “it” changed, so we got to the conclusion of what type of person it is, and trust me no one can be faker than it. After we talked bad about this someone, she told me that I have a high self-esteem and that I don’t care about what people think. Using what she told me about me, we both created a quote: “You know what I think? No one can do better than me on doing NB(my initials). So they can’t judge me… And if they do it’s because they don’t have a life to worry about so they prefer to worry about mine. And that just makes me laugh” – NB &MS. For sure that’s one of the best quotes ever, not only because we created but that’s so true. Since then S consider me her idol and I consider her my number one fan. I have to go now guys, S and I have to go to the church now, God has to forgive us after all the bad things we said last night. Love you S.

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